MAC OSX Mono Nuget how to customize the default% AppData% \ NuGet \ NuGet.config

I can accomplish something like -

mono --runtime = v4.0.30319 / Library / TeamCity / buildAgent / work / b0d2d3fefe88d393 / .nuget / NuGet.exe 'install' / Library / TeamCity / buildAgent / work / b0d2d3fefe88d393 / something / packages.config ' -source' http: // ' -RequireConsent -solutionDir' / Library / TeamCity / buildAgent / work / b0d2d3fefe88d393 / '

to tell mono Nuget to look at a specific Nuget source.

But if for some reason I was unable to modify the nuget command line call to add the -source parameter, how should I do it using the default config file as per (Windows variant) -

ConfigFile (v2.5) NuGet configuration file. If not specified, the% AppData% \ NuGet \ NuGet.config file is used as the configuration file.

so I can configure "Package Sources" here -

Could this approach work on mac?


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1 answer

The default location of the NuGet config file on OS X is in the user's home directory:



You should add a parameter <packageSources>

to this file according to the docs.

Create the file if it doesn't exist.



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