Rush does not work on my Orion Context Broker

I used an instance of Orion Context Broker v0.20.0 using AWS. I am trying to show an entity from it in MapViewer Widgets in Fiware Lab Wirecloud Mashup.

It looks like I'm having some kind of problem with the NGSI source operator. I configured it with:

I start the Conntext browser instance like this: contextBroker -port 1026 -logDir / var / log / contextBroker -pidpath / var / run / contextBroker / -dbhost localhost -db orion -t 0-255 -rush localhost: 5001 , and it works, but when I accept the operator config to create the subscription, this is what I read in my Context broker:

DEBUG@12:07:40  senderThread.cpp[47]: sending to: host='', port=443, verb=POST, tenant='', service-path: '', xauthToken: '', path='/callbacks/14:27:47-1:15:08:34-1', content-type: application/xml
DEBUG@12:07:40  sem.cpp[124]: transactionIdSet taking the 'trans' semaphore for 'changing the transaction id'
DEBUG@12:07:40  sem.cpp[126]: transactionIdSet has the 'trans' semaphore
DEBUG@12:07:40  sem.cpp[181]: transactionIdSet gives the 'trans' semaphore for 'changing the transaction id'
INFO@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[154]: Starting transaction to
DEBUG@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[240]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'X-relayer-host:'
DEBUG@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[247]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'X-relayer-protocol: https'
DEBUG@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[260]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'User-Agent: orion/0.20.0 libcurl/7.19.7'
DEBUG@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[268]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'Host: localhost:5001'
DEBUG@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[305]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'Content-length: 1141'
DEBUG@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[353]: Sending message 18 to HTTP server: sending message of 1370 bytes to HTTP server
WARNING@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[358]: Notification failure for localhost:5001 (curl_easy_perform failed: Couldn't connect to server)
INFO@12:07:40  clientSocketHttp.cpp[375]: Transaction ended


I know there is a similar question here , but it hasn't solved my problem yet, nor the Orion documentation.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.


It looks like the rush was not set, so I did it.

But every time I try to start the listener it gives me this error:

time=2015-05-07T13:56:17.331Z | lvl=ERROR | op=RESPUSH BUCKET TASKS | msg=Error getting bucket elements | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | hostname=***** | component=retryBuckets | error=[Error: ERR unknown command 'evalsha']


Now when I accept the operator, these are the traces:


DEBUG@15:04:28  senderThread.cpp[47]: sending to: host='', port=443, verb=POST, tenant='', service-path: '', xauthToken: '', path='/callbacks/13:35:20-1:18:05:22-1', content-type: application/xml
DEBUG@15:04:28  sem.cpp[124]: transactionIdSet taking the 'trans' semaphore for 'changing the transaction id'
DEBUG@15:04:28  sem.cpp[126]: transactionIdSet has the 'trans' semaphore
DEBUG@15:04:28  sem.cpp[181]: transactionIdSet gives the 'trans' semaphore for 'changing the transaction id'
INFO@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[154]: Starting transaction to
DEBUG@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[240]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'X-relayer-host:'
DEBUG@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[247]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'X-relayer-protocol: https'
DEBUG@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[260]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'User-Agent: orion/0.20.0 libcurl/7.19.7'
DEBUG@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[268]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'Host: localhost:5001'
DEBUG@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[305]: HTTP-HEADERS: 'Content-length: 1141'
DEBUG@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[353]: Sending message 1 to HTTP server: sending message of 1370 bytes to HTTP server
INFO@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[364]: Notification Successfully Sent to localhost:5001/callbacks/13:35:20-1:18:05:22-1
INFO@15:04:28  clientSocketHttp.cpp[375]: Transaction ended



time=2015-05-07T15:08:12.803Z | lvl=INFO | op=RELAY REQUEST | msg=Relay Request received | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | hostname=Orion-Njoy | component=listener | userID='' | reqInfo={ url: '/callbacks/13:35:20-1:18:09:06-1',  method: 'POST',  remoteAddress: '',  headers:    { 'x-relayer-host': '',     'x-relayer-protocol': 'https',     'x-relayer-proxy': undefined,     'x-relayer-retry': undefined,     'x-relayer-httpcallback': undefined,     'x-relayer-persistence': undefined,     'x-relayer-traceid': undefined,     'x-relayer-encoding': undefined,     'content-type': 'application/xml' },  responseTime: 1,  statusCode: 500,  bodyLength: 1141,  id:    { exceptionId: 'SVR1000',     exceptionText: 'Generic Server Error: Error: ERR unknown command \'evalsha\'' } }
time=2015-05-07T15:08:12.803Z | lvl=INFO | op=PERSISTENCE | msg=Persistence Completed | corr=N/A | trans=e1467620-f4ca-11e4-a50f-ebe0dffc0e2e | hostname=Orion-Njoy | component=evPersistence | userID='' | state='error'



time=2015-05-07T13:56:17.331Z | lvl=ERROR | op=RESPUSH BUCKET TASKS | msg=Error getting bucket elements | corr=N/A | trans=N/A | hostname=Orion-Njoy | component=retryBuckets | error=[Error: ERR unknown command 'evalsha']


Any ideas please?


I managed to get it working thanks to the answers. The problem was that I was using redis 2.4 and it required version 2.6 or supperior. Now I can see my objects in the map viewer.

If anyone is working with the same problem, be sure to install Rush and follow this instruction to install Redis 2.6:

Thanks everyone for your help.


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2 answers

Perhaps the redis version is too old. EVAL / EVALSHA commands were introduced in redis 2.6. I would check the redis version (> 2.6.0)



It looks like the broker can't connect to the rush by running on the same host and accepting connections on port 5001. Are you sure the rush is working? (and that it is on port 5001?). The broker does not implement notifications (yet) in https itself, but requires haste for this purpose. But of course, hurry to get this to work ...



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