Cakephp will find threads without "children"

I am setting up an API and would prefer to just objects in my array instead of "ModelName" and "Children" are repeatedly threaded. Is there a way to do this? I'm guessing the loop will do the trick, but I can't figure it out.

      $results = $this->Test->find('threaded', array(
    'fields' => array('id', 'parent_id', 'name'),
      'order' => array('lft ASC') // or array('id ASC')

  for ($i = 0; $i <= $this->Test->childCount(1); $i++) {


    'results' => $results,
    '_serialize' => 'results'



source to share

1 answer

It seems that the code you provided is not quite unique for both 3.x and 2.x versions, so I will share solutions for each.


You can get a flat list of all descendants of the node tree by going to "children" as the search type in your query:

$result = $this->Test->find('children', array(
    'for' => $record_id,   // Notice you have to specify 'for' key!
    'fields' => array('id', 'parent_id', 'name'),
    'order' => array('lft ASC')


If you want to find the direct children of your node, pass true for the "direct" key in your options array:

$result = $this->Test->find('children', array(
    'for' => $record_id,   // Notice you have to specify 'for' key!
    'fields' => array('id', 'parent_id', 'name'),
    'order' => array('lft ASC'),
    'direct' => true


Additional Information:

3.x Cookbook for TreeBehavior

3.x findChildren () defined in API

3.x API Info for findChildren ()


To get a flat list of all children in 2.x, you use the -> children () function provided by the TreeBehavior class:

$result = $this->Test->children(
    $record_id,                   // ID of record to find children for 
    false,                        // Direct = false 
    ['id', 'parent_id', 'name'],  // Fields to include in query
    'lft ASC'                     // Order


Conversely, to find only direct descendants, you must pass the second argument as true:

$result = $this->Test->children(
    $record_id,                   // ID of record to find children for 
    true,                         // Direct = true 
    ['id', 'parent_id', 'name'],  // Fields to include in query
    'lft ASC'                     // Order


Additional Information:

2.x Cookbook for TreeBehavior

2.x children () defined in the API

2.x API Information for Kids ()

CakePHP's TreeBehavior does a great job of taking a break from many of the problems when working with Tree data. Hope this information helps!



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