How do I change the SSDT SQLCMD variable in pre-script?

I'm trying to figure out how to change the SQLCMD variable on the fly and I couldn't get it to work.

The goal is to get the value from the SELECT and assign the SQLCMD variable to that value.

I tried:


:servar myVariable 
SELECT @myVariable = 1


2) Tried putting the file value with: OUT, but it says that:

Error 1 72006: Fatal script error: Command Out is not supported.


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3 answers

You need to declare a temporary sql @variable and assign a value from select to it.

Then initialize the sqlcmd variable with sql @variable.


SELECT @sqlVar = '1'
:setvar myVar @sqlVar
SELECT $(myVar) as value

SELECT @sqlVar = '2'
:setvar myVar @sqlVar
SELECT $(myVar) as value




It's impossible. SQLCMD is just a pre-processor, before the script is even sent to the server.

The answer you accepted is somewhat confusing.

It doesn't actually assign the variable SQLCMD

on the fly in any meaningful way.

:setvar myVar @sqlVar


Just assigns the string "@sqlVar" to the SQL variable Cmd (redundant and wrong twice). This string is then used when replacing the string with $(myVar)


All of this happens before the script is even sent to the server (and obviously before execution starts, and the SQL variable is assigned any value)

The script result after replacing all $(myVar)

with @sqlVar

looks like this.

This is what is sent to the server.


SELECT @sqlVar = '1'
SELECT @sqlVar as value

SELECT @sqlVar = '2'
SELECT @sqlVar as value


No on-the-fly assignment for SQLCMD variable. The only purpose is a SQL variable.



Answer at / ... :

Cool! Just be aware of the trap:


SELECT @sqlVar = '1'
:setvar myVar @sqlVar
SELECT $(myVar) as value

-- SELECT @sqlVar = '2'
-- :setvar myVar @sqlVar
SELECT $(myVar) as value



Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 6
Must declare the scalar variable "@sqlVar".


If we cannot fetch the value of the SQLCMD Variable over GO (when it was assigned to a regular variable), then there is no point in using the SQLCMD variable in the package.

Compare with the code that works:

:setvar myVar '1'
SELECT $(myVar) as value
SELECT $(myVar) as value


And this magically works:

:OUT C:\Temp\SetVarTest.sql
declare @command varchar(100) = ':SETVAR myVar ' + cast((select count(*) from sys.objects) as varchar(10)); 
PRINT @command
:OUT stdout
:r C:\Temp\SetVarTest.sql
PRINT $(myVar) 


More details in Hacking SQLCMD Mode .



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