Removing rows from a matrix

I have an array "A" with values:

101                 101
0                   0
61.6320000000000    0.725754779522671
73.7000000000000    0.830301150185882
78.2800000000000    0.490917508345341
81.2640000000000    0.602561200211232
82.6880000000000    0.435568593909153


And I want to remove that first row and keep the shape of the array (2 columns), thus creating an array

0                   0
61.6320000000000    0.725754779522671
73.7000000000000    0.830301150185882
78.2800000000000    0.490917508345341
81.2640000000000    0.602561200211232
82.6880000000000    0.435568593909153


I used A = A(A~=101);

one that removes values ​​as needed - however it packs the array down to one column.


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1 answer

The best way:

A = A(2:end, :)


But you can also do

A(1,:) = []


however, it is slightly less efficient (see Removing matrix elements with = [] and matrix reallocation )

If you want to delete lines that are equal to a certain number try

A = A(A(:,1)~=101,:)


Use all

or any

if you want to delete a row if any or any column is equal to your value:

A = A(all(A~=101,2),:)




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