Task C- defines in C or object C

I am a beginner, so please bear with me. First of all, is this all NS stuff (NSArray, NSString, etc.) objective-C specific?

Also, I am confused about creating things in C or objective-C. When do you use one or the other?

For example, which cases I would use below:

NSArray *germanCars = @[@"Mercedes-Benz", @"BMW", @"Porsche", @"Opel", @"Volkswagen", @"Audi"];



NSString *germanCars[] = {@"Mercedes-Benz", @"BMW", @"Porsche", @"Opel", @"Volkswagen", @"Audi"};




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3 answers

The NS material comes from the NeXTSTEP operating system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXTSTEP

Steve Jobs launched NeXT and brought things to Apple when he returned there.

When working with Mac OS or iOS, this is part of the Cocoa framework. Objective-C is just the language these things are written in.

As for your coding question, use the first one. You want to use Cocoa's constructors as much as possible. Cocoa is a mature, well thought out API, and you will find many tasks easier if you do things with this style.



The prefixed stuff is NS

specific to Cocoa, Foundation and AppKit frames. They were originally intended for Objective-C, but they are available from other languages ​​as long as they have a binding. The obvious one these days is Swift, but they can also be accessed from Python using PyObjC etc.

In general, you should prefer Cocoa collection classes (i.e. NSArray

) over C-style types. They are of a higher level and thus provide better abstractions and functionality. You would only use a C-style array for APIs that require it, which are relatively rare.



Your first example is an NSArray object containing multiple NSString objects. The second example is a regular C array containing multiple NSString objects.

In the Cocoa library, you will find very few methods that accept C arrays of objects. And NSArray has a huge set of useful functions that C arrays don't have.



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