Decorators in unity with multiple arguments

I have the following problem. I have two classes T1 and T2 that implement the interface T. I would like T2 to decorate T1, so when I instantiate T T2 is called first, then T1.

public class T1 : IT
    public void Call()

public class T2 : IT
    private IT _t;

    public T2(ISomeOther other, IT t)
        _t = t;

    public void Call()

public interface T {
    void Call();


My unity looks like this:

var unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
unityContainer.RegisterType<ISomeOther>(new Other());
unityContainer.RegisterType<T>(new T1());
unityContainer.RegisterType<T, T2>(new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter<ISomeOther>(), new ResolvedParameter<T2>());


I'd like not to explicitly specify the ResolvedParameters - the whole goal in Unity is to remove this work. I would just like to tell Unity that T2 decorates T1 and Unity allows the arguments. I would love my last line of code to look something like this:

unityContainer.RegisterType<T, T2>().Decorates<T1>();


Is this possible in Oneness? Are there other IoC containers that are better suited for this kind of thing?

Note that this is a simplified example, so any minor syntax errors are accidental.


This is not a duplicate How to use the Decorator pattern with Unity without explicitly specifying every parameter in the InjectionConstructor - I DON'T WANT EXCLUSIVELY CREATE A DECORATOR OR VIEW DEPENDENCE. Like this:

_container.Register<IT, T1>();
_container.Decorate<IT, T2>();
_container.Decorate<IT, T3>();


Where T1, T2 and T3 can have different dependencies in the constructor - I don't want to list them, I want the IoC container to resolve them for me (otherwise why use an IoC container at all?)


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1 answer

Ninject has some very useful features:



It initializes T2 with an instance of T1 in its constructor. I hope I understood correctly. However, I'm really wondering if there is such a thing in Unity, since this is also my main IoC container.



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