Selecting Rows When Value Changes

I have a stock index table named "snp250" as

No    Date        Open       High     Low      Close       Difference
5061  2015-03-31  8527.60    8550.45  8454.15  8491.00     -1.30
5060  2015-03-30  8390.95    8504.55  8380.75  8492.30     150.90
5059  2015-03-27  8396.00    8413.20  8269.15  8341.40     -0.75
5058  2015-03-26  8474.95    8499.45  8325.35  8342.15     -188.65



5041  2015-03-02  8953.85    8972.35  8885.45  8956.75     54.90


Few things -
1. The date is unique but not always consistent as it skips weekends.
2. It is not unique and always consistent.

I need query records where the difference changes from negative to positive. therefore queries fetch the record before the difference changes.

My current sql is

select t1.* 
from snp250 as t1, snp250 as t2 
where(t1.no_id = t2.no_id+1) 
AND((t1.difference>=0 AND t2.difference<0) 
OR (t1.difference<0 AND t2.difference>0)).


The problem is that requests are missing the first record.

I tried another sql -

select t1.* 
from snp250 as t1, snp250 as t2 
where(t1.no_id = t2.no_id-1) 
AND((t1.difference>=0 AND t2.difference<0) 
 OR (t1.difference<0 AND t2.difference>0)). 


But here he skips the last entry.

Any help would be appreciated.


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2 answers

The following query uses a correlated subquery to get the previous value:

select t.*,
       (select t2.difference
        from snp250 t2
        where <
        order by desc
        limit 1
       ) as prev_difference
from snp250 t


To get the lines where the difference changes, you can use the MySQL extension for the clause having

by adding:

having prev_difference < 0 and difference > 0




Please try the following:

  select * from snp250 t1 where (select (t1.difference*t2.difference) from    snp250  t2 where t2.no_id=t1.no_id+1)<0


This query will be true only if there is no sign change condition in the difference column. This can be from + ve to -ve or -ve to + ve.



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