Passing dictionary object as part of request to ServiceStack Swagger

I am currently working with the ServiceStack Swagger plugin and am having trouble filling in certain objects in my query, especially in vocabulary subjects.

In the following image, I want to pass a dictionary <string, string> object as JSON to FieldFilter. What is the format for this? I tried some examples, but the FieldFilter object is always deserialized as null.

enter image description here UPDATE

I went through the JSON example given in this link:

which shows the Dictionary <string, string> JSON representation looks like this:

   "James": "9001",
   "Jo": "3474",
   "Jess": "11926"


but the result is still deserialized to zero. I think this is more of a limitation of ServiceStack and the Swagger plugin. I'll take on the suggestion to use a list of classes and provide another update


I tried to create a FieldFilter class (which contains two string properties). This is the JSON I am currently entering:

  "FieldId": "1",
  "Value": "Hello"
  "FieldId": "2",
  "Value": "Goodbye"


Attempting this (and other small changes) the field is still deserialized as null.

As a test, I added a field filter object to my CreateUser request, which has a single body with all the required fields. The JSON for this looks like this:

  "FieldFilter": [
      "FieldId": "1",
      "Value": "Hello"
      "FieldId": "2",
      "Value": "Goodbye"
  "FirstName": "",
  "LastName": "",
  "Password": "",
  "Permissions": [
  "Roles": [
  "Username": ""


Now in this example, where all the fields are in one JSON request, the FieldFilter is deserialized with the correct values! Is there any reason why it works here? Am I missing something painfully obvious?


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