Make class iterable with for for for Loop?

I have a custom class:

class MyArrayClass {


This class is a custom list implementation.

I want to do the following:

var arr:MyArrayClass = MyArrayClass()

for entry in arr {
  println("entry: \(entry)")


Edit: the class I want to make iterable, JavaUtilArrayList, uses this IOSObjectArray class .

What protocol should my class validate so that it works in a for loop?


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2 answers

You can do it much faster using NSFastGenerator


extension MyArrayClass: SequenceType {
  public func generate() -> NSFastGenerator {
    return NSFastGenerator(self)




You should take a look at this blog post on this exact topic. I'll write his summary here:

When you write:

// mySequence is a type that conforms to the SequenceType protocol.
for x in mySequence {
    // iterations here


Swift converts this value to:

var __g: Generator = mySequence.generate()
while let x = {
    // iterations here


Therefore, in order to be able to enumerate your custom type, you need to force your class to implement the protocol SequenceType

. If you look at the SequenceType

protocol below, you can see that you only need to implement one method that returns an object corresponding to the protocol GeneratorType

( GeneratorType

included in the blog post).

protocol SequenceType : _Sequence_Type {
    typealias Generator : GeneratorType
    func generate() -> Generator


Here's an example of how to make it MyArrayClass

useful in a loop for


class MyArrayClass {
    var array: [String] = []

    func append(str: String) {

extension MyArrayClass : SequenceType {
    // IndexingGenerator conforms to the GeneratorType protocol.
    func generate() -> IndexingGenerator<Array<String>> {
        // Because Array already conforms to SequenceType,
        // you can just return the Generator created by your array.
        return array.generate()


Now, to put this into practice:

let arr = MyArrayClass()

for x in arr {

// Prints:
//     First
//     Second
//     Third


Hope that's the answer to your question.



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