How to customize the GridSplitter

I am migrating a WinForms form to WPF and I need to draw a gridsplitter as follows. This is my WinForms implementation:

enter image description here

It's easy to implement in WinForms. I inherited from the Splitter class and just overrides the method OnPaint()


Now I'm trying to figure out how to proceed. I don't know how to use the control pattern in XAML because I need to re-draw the shapes when the user moves the scroll. I seem to need to write the code behind, but I don't know how to proceed.

How can I proceed? A simple example, like drawing a line from (0,0)

to (gridsplitter.right, gridsplitter.bottom)

, would help.


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2 answers

Finally, I created a class generated by Canvas to do the rendering:

public class DiffSplitterCanvas : Canvas
    public DiffSplitterCanvas()
        this.SnapsToDevicePixels = true;

    protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
        // draw your stuff here


And call it like control template from XAML code:

<GridSplitter Grid.Column="1" Width="50" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
         <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type GridSplitter}">




You can try painting before WriteableBitmap

and use that as a background for the divider. This may require rewriting the splitter template to get things right. I'm not sure how effective scrolling will be.

WriteableBitmap only provides low level pixel access, if you want higher level features like drawing lines and circles you could look into a library like WriteableBitmapEx which extends the class with GDI like drawing commands.

Code for setting the background of the GridSplitter:

<GridSplitter x:Name="gridSplitterTreeNodes" Width="5" BorderThickness="1,0" 
     Cursor="SizeWE" RenderTransformOrigin="-1.2,0.507" ShowsPreview="True"
     Style="{DynamicResource GridSplitterStyle1}">
    <ImageBrush ImageSource="Images\gripDots.png" TileMode="FlipXY" 


You want to set ImageBrush to your WritableBitmap


We draw a simpleLine with WriteableBitmapEx


writeableBmp.DrawLine(1, 2, 30, 40, Colors.Green);




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