Python for looping through a value not in a specified range

I have python code that contains a list dict

where each item is a list of arbitrary size. I iterate over the elements like this:

for i in range(len(dict)):
    for j in range(1,len(dict[i])):
        str = dict[i][j]


I am getting an error IndexError: list index out of range

. I am using range(1,len(dict))

because I want to loop through the first element of each list in dict

. At the point generated error i=5

, len(dict[5])=2

so j

just to be sort out 1

, but when I check the value j

I receive 2

. How is this possible?

What's even weirder, when I type the above code in the python console, I don't get any such error and everything works fine.

Edit: complete code: (note the change from dict

to keywords


import re

conds = [['emerald cryo i&ii,a,01', '40% (v/v) mpd', 'sodium phosphate dibasic', 'citric acid'],['emerald cryo i&ii,a,02', '40% (v/v) ethylene glycol', 'sodium acetate', 'acetic acid'],['emerald cryo i&ii,a,03', '50% (v/v) peg-200', 'citrate', 'na']]

keywords = [["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"],["'rbcl+mgcl2'", " 'rbcl+mgcl2 (0.025m each)'"]]

#cycle through elements to see if there is a match to the dictionary
for i in range(len(keywords)):
    for j in range(1,len(keywords[i])):
        print j
        for k in range(len(conds)):
            str = keywords[i][j].strip().strip("'").strip() #this is where the error occurs
            match = [(str == l) for l in conds[k]]
            ind = [i for i, x in enumerate(match) if x]
            if len(ind) !=0:
                print ind
                print str


The actual lists are conds

both keywords

much longer and read from a file, but I just copied and pasted two items from each python console.

Edit 2: print i

, j

, len(dict[i])

, dict[i]

in the inner loop. The output is too long to be entered here, but here's a condensed version:

0 1 3 ["'potassium acetate'", " 'k(oac)'", " 'potassium acetate'"]
3 1 3 ["'ammonium nitrate'", " '(nh4)2(no)3'", " 'ammonium nitrate'"]
3 1 3 ["'ammonium nitrate'", " '(nh4)2(no)3'", " 'ammonium nitrate'"]
3 1 3 ["'ammonium nitrate'", " '(nh4)2(no)3'", " 'ammonium nitrate'"]
4 1 5 ["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"]
4 1 5 ["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"]
5 1 2 ["'rbcl+mgcl2'", " 'rbcl+mgcl2 (0.025m each)'"]
4 1 5 ["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"]
4 1 5 ["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"]
3 1 3 ["'ammonium nitrate'", " '(nh4)2(no)3'", " 'ammonium nitrate'"]
3 1 3 ["'ammonium nitrate'", " '(nh4)2(no)3'", " 'ammonium nitrate'"]
4 1 5 ["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"]
sodium acetate
4 1 5 ["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"]
4 1 5 ["'sodium acetate'", " 'sodium acetate'", " 'na(ac)'", " 'na     acetate'", " 'na_acetate'"]
5 1 2 ["'rbcl+mgcl2'", " 'rbcl+mgcl2 (0.025m each)'"]


5 2 2 ["'rbcl+mgcl2'", " 'rbcl+mgcl2 (0.025m each)'"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 38, in <module>
    str = keywords[i][j].strip().strip("'").strip()
IndexError: list index out of range



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1 answer


ind = [i for i, x in enumerate(match) if x]


changes yours i

which you are using for the outer loop.

This btw wouldn't happen if you were using a regular Python loop instead of an indexed loop:

for words in keywords:
    for word in words[1:]:
        for cond in conds:
            word = word.strip().strip("'").strip()
            match = [(word == l) for l in cond]
            ind = [i for i, x in enumerate(match) if x]
            if len(ind) !=0:
                print ind
                print word


Doesn't that look much better and more meaningful?

Variable names could be further improved, but I'll leave that up to you as I don't know proper names for your things.



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