How to make Netcat return unused ports

I tried this command to try and find unused ports. What I want is to run netcat on a number of ports, find the ones that don't start services, grep the first of these lines of output, and then use sed to print only the port number.

nc -z <my url> 5000-5010 | grep -m 1 succeeded | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'


But when I try to start the service using the returned port, I get a message that the port is currently in use.

I found out that the success of netcat means the service is running on the port, but when I try that instead

nc -zv <my url> 5000-5010 | grep -m 1 failed | sed 's/[^0-9]//g'


I get nothing, although most of the output lines contain a word.

Going through the man pages showed that netcat -z only returns a result for successful results, although the reason why the line after a failed connection appears in my terminal window is still outside of me.

How can I use netcat to view the first port connected to?


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2 answers

The command nc -v

writes the failed / deleted messages to standard error rather than to standard output. You can redirect stderr to stdout with 2>&1


nc -zv <my url> 5000-5010 2>&1 | grep -m 1 failed


to get the bad line.


By the way, I suggest you use awk to get the port number from the output line:

nc -zv <my url> 5000-5010 2>&1 | grep -m 1 failed | awk '{print $6}'


which prints the value in the 6th column of the output line.



To get a list of closed (unused) ports on a Linux system, you can use:

Real time output:

for i in {80..100}
   nc -v -z -w 1 $remoteHost $i &> /dev/null && echo "Port $i Open" || echo "Port $i Closed" 


You can change the timeout currently set at 1 second ( -w 1

) to a higher value if needed.


Port 80 Open
Port 81 Closed
Port 82 Closed
Port 83 Closed
Port 84 Closed
Port 85 Closed





Ask nc for more verbose output.


Specifies that nc should just scan for listening to daemons without sending any data to them. Error using this option in combination with the -l option.


timeout If the connection and stdin are idle for more than seconds, the connection is silently closed. The -w flag has no effect on the -l option, i.e. Nc will always listen for a connection, with or without the -w flag. There is no timeout by default.


nc man



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