R sqldf - match.fun (asfn) 'c ("as.labelled", "as.integer")' is not a function, symbol or symbol

Totally new to R, just spent a couple of hours playing and thought I would have a game with some NHANES datasets for example. ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/nhanes/2003-2004/

So grabbed a couple and after playing with merge(bmx_c, demo_c)

and a quick google I thought a library sqldf

would be a more efficient way to combine / extract only a few columns from files to play, but I "You have a problem".

Error in match.fun(asfn) : 
  'c("as.labelled", "as.integer")' is not a function, character or symbol**


NHANES files are in SAS format, so I had to:



demo_c <- sasxport.get("DEMO_C.XPT")
bmx_c <- sasxport.get("BMX_C.XPT")

[1] TRUE

sqldf("select seqn from demo_c")
Error in match.fun(asfn) : 
  'c("as.labelled", "as.integer")' is not a function, character or symbol

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  21000   23540   26070   26070   28600   31130 


I assume some type conversion is required, but I don't know the intricacies of R.


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1 answer

sqldf does not support the Hmisc generated column class "labelled"

. All columns appear to be integer or numeric, so convert the columns to numeric first:

demo_c[] <- lapply(demo_c, as.numeric)
sqldf("select seqn from demo_c")


You can convert integers to integer if you like:

isInt <- sapply(demo_c, inherits, "integer")
demo_c[isInt] <- lapply(demo_c[isInt], as.integer)    
demo_c[!isInt] <- lapply(demo_c[!isInt], as.numeric)




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