IOS Application Submission Error: ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid path to sample - image not found on path referenced by key" CFBundleIcons ":" AppIcon29x29 "

I tried to submit my archive to the App Store. I keep getting the following errors:

ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon29x29'"

ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon40x40'"

ERROR ITMS-90032: "Invalid Image Path - No image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': 'AppIcon60x60'"


I'm sure I installed all the app icons, but I still had the same error. I have previously published applications. I followed the same process. I am using Xcode 6.3.

I checked the related questions, many suggested removing the CarPlay icon. But I don't see such an icon after I clicked. The only icons required are 58x58, 87x87, 80x80, 120x120, and 180x180. I haven't seen anywhere that asks for icons in sizes: 29x29, 40x40, or 60x60. Anyone have the same problem?


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1 answer

The image may not be in PNG format.

Remember, just renaming the image to .png does not make it a png image. To convert an image to PNG, follow these steps: 1. Open the image in Preview 2. File> Export> Select PNG from the drop-down menu> OK 3. Save the PNG image in the desired location.

Use this png image in AppIcon.appiconset.



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