How to properly unit test disposable objects?
I am wondering what is the best way to unit test Android parcelable objects. I know how to test test objects using Parcel.obtain()
and write it to a plot and create it using the creator. The problem with this method is that it won't catch if someone adds a field to the object without adding it to the boolean / equals / hashcode logic. Is there a library or method that exists to confirm that all object fields are written to the parcel? I know not all fields need to be separated, I submit an annotation or something in the field to determine if it should be included in the unit test.
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You can use EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals from Apache Commons Lang
In build.gradle
testCompile 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.4'
Then you can specify which fields to ignore or to ignore transient fields
User one = new User();
User two = one.clone();
reflectionEquals(one, two); // -> False
reflectionEquals(one, two, "address", "age"); // -> True
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