Colum case () bag after turning

Sorry if I don't explain very well and the title is not very clear. I am using SQL Server 2005. I have a query with Pivot that works fine, but know that I have to add a new query that gets resuls from the quarter.

This is my request to get the result from the month

    WITH PivotData AS
SELECT  idWatimetro, mes,ano, valor
FROM   E_Registros_Watimetros where ano = 2012
FROM PivotData 
PIVOT(SUM(valor) FOR idWatimetro IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5] AS P order by mes;


enter image description here

So, I only know that I want to get four registrars

1 With Month 1+2+3
2 Wint Month 4+5+6
3 With Month 7+8+9
4 Wint Month 10+11+12


enter image description here

I tried with UNION ALL but didn't work as I expected. Any help would be appreciated and sorry for my poor english and explanation.

This is my request with no result

FROM    (
            SELECT  idWatimetro, ano,mes, valor
            FROM E_Registros_Watimetros   
            WHERE (ano = 2012 and mes = 1 ) or (ano = 2012 and mes = 2)or (ano = 2012 and mes = 3)
            UNION ALL
            SELECT  idWatimetro, ano,mes, valor
            FROM E_Registros_Watimetros    
            WHERE (ano = 2012 and mes = 4 ) or (ano = 2012 and mes = 5)or (ano = 2012 and mes = 6)
        ) AS SourceTable
PIVOT(SUM(valor) FOR idWatimetro IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5]))AS P


Thanks in advance.


source to share

2 answers

Try something like .....

   ; WITH PivotData AS
SELECT  idWatimetro
      ,CASE WHEN mes IN (1,2,3)    THEN 1
            WHEN mes IN (4,5,6)    THEN 2
            WHEN mes IN (7,8,9)    THEN 3
            WHEN mes IN (10,11,12) THEN 4
       END AS mes
FROM   E_Registros_Watimetros where ano = 2012
FROM PivotData 
      FOR Mes 
      IN ([1],[2],[3],[4]))p




You can GROUP BY

number the quarter, i.e. mes - (mes - 1) % 3

, in the result set PIVOT


WITH PivotData AS
   SELECT  idWatimetro, mes,ano, valor
   FROM   E_Registros_Watimetros where ano = 2012
PivotResult AS 
   FROM PivotData 
   PIVOT(SUM(valor) FOR idWatimetro IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5])) AS P 
SELECT CASE mes - (mes - 1) % 3 
         WHEN 1 THEN '1st' 
         WHEN 4 THEN '2nd' 
         WHEN 7 THEN '3rd' 
         ELSE '4th' 
       END AS quarter,
       2012 AS ano, sum([1]) AS [1], sum([2]) AS [2], 
       sum([3]) AS [3], sum([4]) AS [4], sum([5]) AS [5]
FROM PivotResult
GROUP BY mes - (mes - 1) % 3  




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