Use Postgres Array columns for Rails for many to each other

I've heard lately that some relationships many-to-many

and one-to-many

(without additional join data, like user-membership-group) can be queried much faster in Postgres using id array columns rather than joining tables see discussion for Postgres Node ORM .

For a relationship, the many-to-many

choice of a table (or both) to maintain arrays of relationships will depend on the direction in which the query is going (for user groups <- column columns are needed on both tables, the users-> tag requires that the relationship is maintained only in an array column only in users table.

A few questions:

  • Are there any gems (Rails or otherwise) that use the new Postgres array column to maintain relationships?
  • Does anyone have tests for comparing a simple join table to an array column with bi-directional and unidirectional relationships many-to-many

  • To achieve performance improvements with Ruby, very simple functions would look like the following. Apart from configuration for custom primary keys, method names, and class names, do you see any obvious improvement from the code below?


module ArrayRelationships

 def self.included(base)

 module ClassMethods
   # association must be lower case, pluralized name of associated class
   def array_has_many(association)
    define_method(association) do 
      instance_name = association.singularize
      class_name = instance_name.titleize
      class_name.constantize.where(id: self.send("#{instance_name}_ids"))

 class User << ActiveRecord::Base
   include ArrayRelationships
   array_has_many :tags


Of course, the users table must have an array field :tag_ids

in the database. If we wanted to add feedback for Tag # users, we would simply add a db field including ArrayRelationships and array_has_many :users



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1 answer

I haven't tried it yet, but it seems like someone has created a gem to support arrays for associations: . Copying from README:

How it works?

Let's say we have a playlist containing many videos. One video can be included in many playlists. This is a classic many-to-many situation, but we will implement it differently.

# db/migrate/20141027125227_create_playlist.rb
class CreatePlaylist < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :playlists do |t|
      t.integer :video_ids, array: true # adding array fields works only starting from Rails 4
      t.index :video_ids, using: :gin   # we add GIN index to speed up specific queries on array

# app/models/playlist.rb
class Playlist < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_array_of :videos  # by convention, it assumes that Post has a video_ids array field

# app/models/video.rb
class Video < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to_array_in_many :playlists # optional


Now we can work with it videos

as with a regular array. It correctly proxies all changes to the field video_ids


playlist = Playlist.find(1)
playlist.videos = [video1,video2]  # playlist.video_ids = [1, 2]
playlist.videos[0] = video3        # playlist.video_ids[0] = 3
playlist.videos.insert(1, video4)  # playlist.video_ids = [3, 4, 2]
playlist.videos.delete_at(1)       # playlist.video_ids = [3, 2]
playlist.videos.pop                # playlist.video_ids = [3]
# ... and so on

# => [playlist]




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