How to add scope for multiple enums in rails

I have a selection that displays all the enums of an object:

<%= :state_user 
            , {|state| [state.titleize,state] }) %>


How can I create a region that allows me to select multiple states?

For example, I want to filter out all users who are either inactive or suspended.



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2 answers

I worked with this area:

 scope :state, lambda { |enum_ids|
  return nil  if enum_ids.empty?
    objArray = []
    enum_ids.each do |key|
      if (User.estados[key])
        objArray << User.estados[key] 
    return nil  if objArray.empty?
    where (["account.state in (?)" ,  objArray])




Not sure if you're still looking for something like this, but here's what I found.


I was able to implement this using the following

scope :for_states, -> (*state_names) {
  where(state: states.values_at(*Array(state_names).flatten))


The argument *state_names

allows any number of arguments to be packed into an array state_names

. Array(state_names)

ensures that this, if one argument was passed, will be treated as an array. Finally, flatten

it allows you to pass one array as an argument. After that splat ( *

) unpacks all the elements of this array as method arguments values_at


You can use it like this:

  • User.for_states :one_state

  • User.for_states :state_1, :state_2

  • User.for_states [:state_1, :state_2]

If you don't need a way to keep it that flexible, it could be simplified.


According to the Edge Rails Docs, this should be even easier in Rails 5 and you should just be able to do

User.where(state: [:state_1, :state_2])




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