Custom unlimited whole limits and roll

I currently need a special datatype in C #. I need the datatype to be an integer that can hold a value between 0 and 151. I already know that I can clamp the minimum and maximum spectra, but I want it to be an flip function, not a limit limiter like this, how an unsigned integer goes around to 0 when it reaches the limit. One thing I can't figure out is how to deal with the overflow. I mean something like this: suppose the value is 150 and i + = 5. The value will go back to zero and then add the remainder, which is 4. How do I do this without the overly expensive computation?

How do you implement this?


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3 answers

I would wrap the 151 ( % 151

) module inside a struct and declare something like:

struct UIntCustom {
    public uint Value { get; private set; }

    public UIntCustom(uint value) : this() {
        Value = value % 151;

    public static UIntCustom operator +(UIntCustom left, UIntCustom right) {
        return new UIntCustom(left.Value + right.Value);

    public static UIntCustom operator -(UIntCustom left, UIntCustom right) {
        return new UIntCustom(left.Value - right.Value);

    // and so on 

    public static explicit operator UIntCustom (uint c) {
        return new UIntCustom(c);


Run example:

UIntCustom c = new UIntCustom(4);
c -= (UIntCustom) 9;
c += (UIntCustom) 150;







Make the amount, then follow through % 151


x += 5

implemented as

x = (x + 5) % 151



Declaring a new structure and overloading an operator could be the way to go.



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