CloudFormation: Template Error: Each Ref Object Must Have One String Value

I am trying to create a CloudFormation stack and I am getting the following error:

Client error (ValidationError) occurred while calling CreateStack operation: Template error: Each Ref object must have one String value.

However, when I grep the pattern looking for objects Ref

, they are all strings except for one search which looks like

"Ref": {
     "Fn::FindInMap": [


The value for this link "NATSecurityGroup": "sg-54e6be30",

which seems OK to me.

Any other thoughts on what this error might be referring to?


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1 answer

"Ref": {
     "Fn::FindInMap": [


This is not correct, Ref

not required in this case, where the value it refers to is a constant and not a variable created during stack creation.

Replacing it

"Fn::FindInMap": [


Eliminates the problem.



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