Base class property inheriting from base

I am reviewing the code and came across a situation where an abstract class inherits from an abstract base class that has the property of the inheriting class.

I can't debug the code at the moment to see how it will work, but I'm pretty sure it has been in production for years.

As such it is a mystery to me how the following logic will work step by step.


public class Inheritor : Base {



public class Base {
  public Inheritor { get; set; }
  other properties


How is this possible?


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2 answers

An example in which it hopefully makes sense at a conceptual level:

public class Boss : Employee {

public class Employee {
  public Boss { get; set; }
  other properties


There can be many kinds of employees, but each one can have a boss (which is a special kind of employee). Recall that properties of non-primitive types are references, so not the case when it Employee

contains a Boss

, which (since it is also Employee

) contains a Boss

, etc. Employee

may refer to Boss

, which may refer to Boss

, etc. At some point, it stops at Boss

, which does not have Boss

(link null

), or it goes in a circle.



I think you can turn off the relational concept of is-a versus has-a , where you think it has - somehow limited in the same way as is-a. Inheritor

is Base

, and it would be very strange if the converse were true: if a is Base

also Inheritor

. But there is no reason that can not be Base

a Inheritor




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