Hide elements in second list <select>

There are two dropdowns on my page. What I want to do is hide the item in one list if the mirror option is selected in the other list. This pretty much works exactly the way I want it now, except that it hides the items in its list rather than another list.

I tried to switch the variables in the last two if statements, but that just changed the parameters forever. I have no idea what is wrong.

//hidden element in dropdown list 1
var option_to_hide1;
//hidden element in dropdown list 2
var option_to_hide2;

function option_hide(list) {
  //grab the team selected by the user in the dropdown list
  var team_selected = document.getElementById("team_compare" + list).value;

  //if an element is currently hidden, unhide it
  if (typeof(option_to_hide1) != "undefined" && option_to_hide1 !== null && list == 2) {
    option_to_hide1.style.display = 'block';
  } else if (typeof(option_to_hide2) != "undefined" && option_to_hide2 !== null && list == 1) {
    option_to_hide2.style.display = 'block';
  //select the element to hide and then hide it
  if (list == 1) {
    option_to_hide2 = document.getElementById(team_selected + list);
    option_to_hide2.style.display = 'none';
  if (list == 2) {
    option_to_hide1 = document.getElementById(team_selected + list);
    option_to_hide1.style.display = 'none';

<div id="compare_form">
  <form action="">
    <select name="team_compare1" id="team_compare1">
      <option value="" disabled selected>Please select a team...</option>
      <option id="DP1" value="DP" onclick="option_hide(1)">DP</option>
      <option id="NiP1" value="NiP" onclick="option_hide(1)">NiP</option>
      <option id="Portugal1" value="Portugal" onclick="option_hide(1)">Portugal</option>
      <option id="Serbia1" value="Serbia" onclick="option_hide(1)">Serbia</option>
      <option id="VG1" value="VG" onclick="option_hide(1)">VG</option>
    <select name="team_compare2" id="team_compare2">
      <option option value="" disabled selected>Please select a team...</option>
      <option id="DP2" value="DP" onclick="option_hide(2)">DP</option>
      <option id="NiP2" value="NiP" onclick="option_hide(2)">NiP</option>
      <option id="Portugal2" value="Portugal" onclick="option_hide(2)">Portugal</option>
      <option id="Serbia2" value="Serbia" onclick="option_hide(2)">Serbia</option>
      <option id="VG2" value="VG" onclick="option_hide(2)">VG</option>

Run code

Here's a JSFiddle with my code illustrating the problem. https://jsfiddle.net/3dv89anj/


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1 answer

First you must remove onclick="option_hide(1)"

options in your elements. Onclick

in the option tag doesn't work in other browsers. Onclick

Use onchange

in tag instead select



<select name="team_compare1" id="team_compare1" onchange="option_hide(1)">

The problem is that you are hiding the parameter in the selected combobox because you are targeting the item based on the list you selected instead of the opposite.


if (list == 1) {
    // since list = 1, then it will hide the element on list1
    option_to_hide2 = document.getElementById(team_selected + list);
    option_to_hide2.style.display = 'none';


You should change this to:

if (list == 1) {
    option_to_hide2 = document.getElementById(team_selected + 2);
    option_to_hide2.style.display = 'none';





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