Loop over every column and row, do something

I think this is the best way to describe what I want to do:

df$column <- ifelse(is.na(df$column) == TRUE, 0, 1)


But where is the column dynamic. This is because I have about 45 columns with the same content and all I want to do is check each cell, replace it with 1 if there is something in it, 0 if not. I've of course tried a lot of different things, but since there doesn't seem to be df [index] [column] in R, I'm lost. I would have expected this to work, but no:

for (index in df) {
  for (column in names(df)) {
    df[[index]][[column]] <- ifelse(is.na(df[[index]][[column]]) == TRUE, 0, 1)


I could do it quickly in other languages ​​(or even Excel), but I'm just learning R and want to understand why something so simple seems to be so complicated in a language that is designed to work with data. Thank you!


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1 answer

How about this:

df.new = as.data.frame(lapply(df, function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0, 1)))



applies a function to each column of the data frame df

. In this case, the function replaces 0/1. lapply

returns a list. The wrapper in as.data.frame

converts the list to a data frame (which is a special type of list).

As R

you can often replace one cycle of families of functions *apply

. In this case, lapply

"loops" through the columns of the data frame. In addition, many functions R

are "vectorized", which means that the function acts on every value in the vector at the same time. In this case ifelse

, replaces the entire column of the data frame.



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