Regular expression doesn't match

I am trying to find this in a regex string.

  : [J, BASIC]
  : [D,MEDIUM]


the first character can be either ':' or '?' that is, white space followed by square brackets within square brackets, there are two text blocks separated by comma and / or space. the comma or space may or may not be present.

Here is what I wrote to find it

regex = re.compile('[:|?\s[\w[,\s]?\w]]+')


but he only finds




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3 answers

Your regex does not treat [

as literals .. they are accepted as special characters (character set)

You can use the following:




  • [:?]

    the first character can be either :: or '?'
  • \s*\[

    then there is a space, then square brackets
  • \w+(\s*,\s*)?\w+

    there are two text blocks in square brackets, separated by a comma and / or a space (with an extra comma and a space)
  • \]

    close parenthesis


Edit: If you want to capture a match, you can use:







Regular expression visualization

Demo Debuggex



[:?]\s+\[[^, \]]*[, ]?[^\]]*\]


You can try this pattern. See demo.



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