Does Google Analytics Affect Android Performance?

There are many Google Analytics trackpoints in my Android code, will this affect the performance of the app? I knew GA was asynchronous, but there are hundreds of track points in my application, so not sure if I should add a GA point in the future.


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2 answers

The effective impact in this case will mainly depend on the I / O operations rather than how many trackpoints you add.

When an application collects GA data, that data is queued and sent to GA periodically. Periodic submissions can happen either when the app is running in the foreground or in the background.

The default dispatch period is 30 minutes, but you can provide your own interval in seconds using the "ga_dispatchPeriod" parameter in the analytics.xml file or by calling setDispatchPeriod (int dispatchPeriodInSeconds)

eg. 60 (in analytics.xml) GAServiceManager.getInstance () setDispatchPeriod (60). (in code)



Google Analytics SDK sends Google Gets or messages (I can't remember them) to Google. It doesn't wait for a response from the server mainly because the server doesn't return much.

All of these calls may require slightly more bandwidth. I can't see how this slows down your application.



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