Expecting the scene to be done entirely in cesium

when the datasource kml is loaded, I want to display the loading image until it is rendered in the viewer or scene. I tried to handle:

  • viewer.dataSources.dataSourceAdded

    but it starts very early i.e. the loading image disappears before the data source can be rendered.
  • the problem is the same:

    viewer.dataSources.add(datasource).then(function(){ clearLoader(); } )

Please, someone can help thanks to Relationship


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1 answer

Try this instead:

viewer.dataSource.add(datasource); // add empty datasource.
datasource.load(url).then(function () { clearLoader(); });


The function .add

returns immediately, even with an empty data source. But the function .load

returns a promise that will be resolved after the data source is loaded.



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