Monotouch ios - audio player returns zero on initialization

Ok, I have had this problem for almost a month now. Some audio files cannot be played. It just returns an error like this:

Failed to initialize instance of type "AVFoundation.AVAudioPlayer": built-in method initWithContentsOfURL: error: 'returned nil.

Here's the code to initialize AudioPlayer:

    NSData data = new NSData();
    if (AppSession.IsConnected ()) {/*Just a checker if connection is available or not*/
        if (uri != null && uri.ToString().Length > 0) {
            data = await LoadData (uri);
    } else { data = null; }

    string saveFile = FolderPath(uri, "playthrough");
    data.Save(saveFile, false);
    NSUrl fileUrl = NSUrl.FromString(saveFile);
    audioplayer = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl(fileUrl);
    audioplayer.NumberOfLoops = 0;
    audioplayer.Volume = 1.5f;


For LoadData:

    public static async Task<NSData> LoadData (NSUrl url)
        NSData data = new NSData ();
        if (url.ToString ().Contains ("http")) {
            var httpClient = new HttpClient ();
            Task<byte[]> contentsTask = httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync (url.ToString ());
            var contents = await contentsTask;
            data = NSData.FromArray(contents);
        } else { data = NSData.FromUrl (url); }
        return data;


For FolderPath:

    public static string FolderPath(NSUrl url, string fileName)
        string[] dotSplitter = url.ToString ().Split (new char[]{ '.' }, 4);
        string ext = "";
        if (dotSplitter.Length == 4) {
            switch (dotSplitter [3]) {
            case "wav": ext = ".wav"; break;
            case "mp3": ext = ".mp3"; break;
            case "3gpp": ext = ".3gpp"; break;
            case "mp4": ext = ".mp4"; break;
        } else {
            switch (dotSplitter [0]) {
            case "wav": ext = ".wav"; break;
            case "mp3": ext = ".mp3"; break;
            case "3gpp": ext = ".3gpp"; break;
            case "mp4": ext = ".mp4"; break;

        return Path.Combine(TMPDir(), fileName + ext);


And here are the files I'm using to test the sound:

So yes. I've done dozens of research, google, experiment and tears for this, but nothing worked for me. Any solutions for this?


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1 answer

Full exception you should get:

System.Exception: Failed to initialize instance of type "MonoTouch.AVFoundation.AVAudioPlayer": built-in initWithContentsOfURL: error :: nil. This condition can be ignored by setting the MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Class.ThrowOnInitFailure parameter to false.

Following the advice above (use an overload that accepts NSError

) and one of the exception message, you will end up with something like:

MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Class.ThrowOnInitFailure = false;
NSError error;
using (var url = NSUrl.FromString (""))
using (var player = AVAudioPlayer.FromUrl (url, out error)) {
    Console.WriteLine (error);


You'll get:

The operation could not be completed. (OSStatus bug 2003334207.)

which is a very common mistake for AVAudioPlayer

. I also get the same error if you are using NSData

(local file). However AVPlayer

loads the url just fine ...



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