How to change data type from date to int in SQL Server 2012?

I have a table like

    s_id int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
    sname nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
    address nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
    gender varchar(10) NOT NULL,
    birthyear date NOT NULL,


Now I want to change the data type of the column birthyear

from date

to integer


I followed the tutorial:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype


Here is my code:

ALTER COLUMN birthyear int


But this throws an error

Operand type collision: date is incompatible with int

Can you help me? You are welcome.



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2 answers

You cannot do it directly - a is DATE

not INT

- how is SQL Server supposed to convert a date like this 2015-05-07

to INT


You basically have two options:

Option # 1 : Rename the current column birthyear

to birthdate

and add a calculated column birthyear

that will give you the year of that date only:

-- rename "birthyear" to "birthdate"
EXEC sp_RENAME 'Student.Birthyear' , 'BirthDate', 'COLUMN'

-- add new computed column "birthyear"
ALTER TABLE dbo.Student 
   ADD BirthYear AS YEAR(birthdate) PERSISTED


Option # 2 : create a new column, put the year of your date in this column, delete the old column, rename the new column to the old name

-- add new  column "newbirthyear"
ALTER TABLE dbo.Student 
   ADD NewBirthYear INT 

-- update table, extract YEAR(birthyear) into new column
UPDATE dbo.Student
SET NewBirthYear = YEAR(birthyear)

-- drop old column
ALTER TABLE dbo.Student
DROP COLUMN birthyear

-- rename new column back to old column name
EXEC sp_RENAME 'Student.NewBirthyear' , 'BirthYear', 'COLUMN'




When the column is empty (all NULL), you can take the transition step using varchar conversion. Direct conversion is not possible, but this should work:
date -> varchar -> int

ALTER TABLE Student ALTER COLUMN birthyear varchar(200);
ALTER TABLE Student ALTER COLUMN birthyear int;


See this answer .



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