How do I calculate X weekly days in the past using Python or SQL?

I need to calculate exactly 5 days in the past. for example if today is the date 2015-05-07 I need my program to give me 2015-04-30.

So far I have tried this

today = - datetime.timedelta(5)


This gives 5 days in the past. But I need a 5th weekday in the past. The goal I need is that I have a database table that consists of some data and I need to write a Python script that retrieves the data for the last 5 days.


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2 answers

Python objects datetime

have a method isoweekday()

to help with this. This method returns a numeric value corresponding to the day of the week. So, for example, Monday is an integer 1. You want to skip Saturday and Sunday, they match 6 and 7 respectfully. We can use this to return:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta                                              

def workingday(d, no_of_days):                                                              
    backdate = d                                                                      
    count = 0                                                                         
    while count < no_of_days:                                                                  
        backdate = backdate - timedelta(1)                                              
        if backdate.isoweekday() in (6,7):                                            
        count += 1                                                                    
    return backdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

d = datetime.strptime("2015-05-07","%Y-%m-%d")                                        
print workingday(d, 5)




I used the date format. But you can easily change that.


You can use instead weekday()

, but now Monday will be returned as 0 and Sunday will be returned as 6.



Five days in the past is simple:

select date_sub(CURDATE(), interval 5 day)


If on weekdays you mean Mon-Fri, then the logic is actually pretty simple. 5 weekly days is one week which is 7 days (at least in the United States). So the answer to your question is:

select date_sub(CURDATE(), interval 7 day)


Note that other numbers of days require more complex logic using CASE




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