Left join with grouping via linq2db

I have the following tables

class Directory
    public long Id { get; set;}
    public string Path { get; set;}
    public IEnumerable<File> Files { get; set;}

class File
    public long Id { get; set;}
    public long DirectoryId { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Directory Directory { get; set; }


How can I get directories grouped by id with corresponding files using left join and linq2db in one request?

I think it should be something like this

var query = from d in db.Direcories
            join f in db.Files on d.Id equals f.DirectoryId into items
            from i in items.DefaultIfEmpty()
            group i by new { d } into g
            select new { Directory = g.Key, Files = ????? };

 var result = query.ToList();


but i dont know how to get files from group


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3 answers

First of all, I highly recommend creating data model classes using T4 templates, so take a look at this project: linq2db / t4models.I also recommend watching the video here: https://github.com/linq2db/linq2db/wiki .

After my data model is generated with T4, it looks something like this:

public partial class TestDb : LinqToDB.Data.DataConnection
    public ITable<Directory>    Directories   { get { return this.GetTable<Directory>(); } }
    public ITable<File>         Files         { get { return this.GetTable<File>(); } }

[Table(Schema="dbo", Name="Directory")]
public partial class Directory
    [PrimaryKey, Identity] public int    ID   { get; set; } // int
    [Column,     NotNull ] public string Path { get; set; } // varchar(max)

    #region Associations

    /// <summary>
    /// FK_File_Directory_BackReference
    /// </summary>
    [Association(ThisKey="ID", OtherKey="DirectoryID", CanBeNull=true, IsBackReference=true)]
    public List<File> Files { get; set; }


[Table(Schema="dbo", Name="File")]
public partial class File
    [PrimaryKey, Identity] public int    ID          { get; set; } // int
    [Column,     NotNull ] public int    DirectoryID { get; set; } // int
    [Column,     NotNull ] public string Name        { get; set; } // varchar(max)

    #region Associations

    /// <summary>
    /// FK_File_Directory
    /// </summary>
    [Association(ThisKey="DirectoryID", OtherKey="ID", CanBeNull=false, KeyName="FK_File_Directory", BackReferenceName="Files")]
    public Directory Directory { get; set; }



There are now several ways to download directories with their files. Here are a few:

[Test] // 1 query to load directories + separate queries to load files for each directory
public void Test()
    LinqToDB.Common.Configuration.Linq.AllowMultipleQuery = true;
    using(var db = new TestDb())
        var directoriesWithFiles = db.Directories.LoadWith(d => d.Files).ToList();

[Test] // same as above, but manually
public void Test2()
    using(var db = new TestDb())
        var directories = db.Directories.ToList();

        foreach (var d in directories)
            d.Files = db.Files.Where(f => f.DirectoryID == d.ID).ToList();

[Test] // if you want only 2 queries to the database
public void Test3()
    using (var db = new TestDb())
        var dict = new Dictionary<int, List<File>>();

        foreach(var file in db.Files)
                dict.Add(file.DirectoryID, new List<File> { file });

        var directories = db.Directories.ToList();

        foreach (var d in directories)
            List<File> files;
            d.Files = dict.TryGetValue(d.ID, out files) ? files : new List<File>();


Or you can just create a connection, load everything in 1 request, and then manually connect files to directories in memory. You can write your own extension method to simplify this.



The Linq join syntax is pretty tricky to wrap around ... I usually use a little trick to only use the "items" variable you created as an intermediate result:

var query = from d in db.Direcories
        join f in db.Files on d.Id equals f.DirectoryId into items
        from f in items.DefaultIfEmpty()
        group f by d into g
        select new { Directory = g.Key, Files = g /* optionally add .ToList() or .ToEnumerable() */ };

var result = query.ToList();


Although I suspect there are easier ways to accomplish what you are trying to do using db.Directories.Include(d => d.Files)

or a similar construct, as long as you have the correct relational properties.



Try the following:

var query = from fileAndFolder in
                  from d in db.Directories
                  from f in db.Files.Where(ff => ff.DirectoryId == d.Id).DefaultIfEmpty()
                  select new { d, f }
            group fileAndFolder by fileAndFolder.d into g
            select new { DirectoryId = g.Key, Files = g };




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