Simplify git the usual "swift cherry to another branch"

There are two branches in my repository: "stable" and "master". Sometimes I have to fix a bug in "stable" and "cherrypick" on "master". To do this, I have to go through a few steps: switch to "master", find the commit and cherrypick, then I have to go back to "stable" to fix the next error. How can I simplify this procedure? Is it possible?


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3 answers

If you can type it on the command line, you can script it:

git checkout master && git cherry-pick stable && git checkout stable 


Note: there git cherry-pick stable

will be cherry-picking commit in the TIP of the stable branch.

If you want a more general function:

#An alias so we can get the current branch with `git current-branch`
git config --global alias.current-branch 'symbolic-ref --short HEAD'

git-cherry-pick-onto() {
   local original_branch=`git current-branch`

   git checkout "$1" &&\
   git cherry-pick "$original_branch" &&\
   git checkout "$original_branch"


And then you can do (from stable):

git-cherry-pick-onto master


and this will hang the last commit on the current branch to master (or whatever branch you provide as an argument).



Indeed, if your branches are very different from each other, re-checking on a different branch can be unbearable.

You can add a local copy of your repository and always follow the master branch , while the original repo always looks at the stable branch .

Everything you need in this scenario to switch between repositories.



You can blacken multiple commits git cherry-pick 18795aedbc 5415dfeacb ...

, I suggest fixing your whole commit bug and cherry-picking all commits at the end.



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