C # regex for number / number / string

I am trying to find patterns {a number} / { a number } / {a string}

. I can get it to number / number

work, but when I add / string

it is not.

An example of what I am trying to find:



My regex:

Regex reg = new Regex(@"\d/\d/\w");



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4 answers

You have to use +

quantifier , which means 1 or more times

, and it applies to the pattern preceding the quantifier, and I would add a boundary word \b

to match whole words:



C # (using a string string literal so we can just copy / paste regexes from tools or testing services without escaping backslashes):

var rx = new Regex(@"\b\d+/\d+/\w+\b");


If you want to accurately determine the number of characters that match some pattern, you can use {}




And finally, if you only have letters in a string, you can use the shorthand class \p{L}

(or \p{Lu}

just uppercase) in C #:



Sample code (also containing capture groups introduced with unescaped (

and )


var rx = new Regex(@"\b(\d{2})/(\d{5})/(\p{L}{3})\b");
var res = rx.Matches("15/00969/FUL").OfType<Match>()
                       .Select(p => new
                           first_number = p.Groups[1].Value,
                           second_number = p.Groups[2].Value,
                           the_string = p.Groups[3].Value



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Regex reg = new Regex(@"\d+/\d+/\w+");


Complete example:

Regex r = new Regex(@"(\d+)/(\d+)/(\w+)");

string input = "15/00969/FUL";
var m = r.Match(input);

if (m.Success)
    string a = m.Groups[1].Value;   // 15
    string b = m.Groups[2].Value;   // 00969
    string c = m.Groups[3].Value;   // FUL




You are missing quantifiers in Regex

If you want to match 1 or more items, you must use +

. If you already know the number of items to match, you can specify it using {x}

or {x,y}

for a range ( x

and y

two numbers)

So your regex will become:

Regex reg = new Regex(@"\d/+\d+/\w+");


For example, if all the elements you want to match are in this format ( {2 digit}/{5 digit}/{3 letters}

), you can write:

Regex reg = new Regex(@"\d/{2}\d{5}/\w{3}");


And it will match 15/00969/FUL

More information on regular expressions can be found here



bool match = new Regex(@"[\d]+[/][\d]+[/][\w]+").IsMatch("15/00969/FUL"); //true


Regular expression:

[\d]+ //one or more digits
[\w]+ //one or more alphanumeric characters
[/]   // '/'-character




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