How to use testng annotations in java

My code

public class Test{

  public void create_user throws Exception (){


    public void user_actions throws Exception (){


  public void delete_user throws Exception(){




Above is my test class. If I get an error in create_user()

, it is currently being thrown Exception

and finished with the test case.

But I need delete_user()

to execute regardless of any error in create_user()



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3 answers

Try it @AfterTest(alwaysRun = true)


From TestNG doc :

For the following methods (afterSuite, afterClass, ...): if set to true, this configuration method will run even if one or more of the previously called methods failed or were skipped.



If a test exception is expected, you can use @expected to inform the test of the exception that the delete_user call would ensure. If it's an adhoc exception that finally blocks delete_user is good practice.



If the validator must expect an exception, use the following annotation:

@Test(expectedExceptions=<your exceptions here>)
public void user_actions throws Exception (){


If the test method throws an unexpected exception, I would recommend looking at your test setup / method.



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