Bold some parts of the TextView?

I have a TextView, inside which I was writing about questions and answers. What if now I want to boldly highlight only questions like me? Maybe some code that gives you the ability to highlight the bold 0-10 text character, for example?


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2 answers

How about this path



The output should look like this: "MyText MyBoldText "

and you can also do it using the line

<string name="myMixedText">My simple Text<b>My Bold Text<i>MyBoldItalicText</i></b></string>





The result should look like this: "My Plain Text My Bold Text MyBoldItalicText "



Your question has been answered:

Multiple TypeFaces in one text file

Just add the CustomTypefaceSpan class and use Typeface.BOLD and whatever font you want to use.



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