Angular ng-options remove empty option and select only first option

I am using AngularJS to dynamically populate the content of selected options from an array of objects in my controller. My objects have a property named userProfileName .

How can I remove the empty parameter I am getting at the top?

Also, I would like to select the first profile, Profile 1, by default . How can I do that?

My code snippet is here:

<select id="requestorSite" 
                             ng-options="userProfile.userProfileName for userProfile in userProfiles"
                             class="form-control displayInlineBlock width40per marginLeft15">


My controller has



Because the object array and each object have a userProfileName attribute .

Below is a screenshot: enter image description here

I would like to remove the empty option at the top and also select Profile 1 by default .

Thanks, Ankit


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1 answer

Do it:)

In your controller:

 function myCtrl ($scope) {
   $scope.userProfiles = [
     {id: 10, name: 'Carton'},
     {id: 27, name: 'Bernard'},
     {id: 39, name: 'Julie'},

   $scope.selectedUserProfile= $scope.userProfiles[0]; // Set by default the   value "carton"


On your page:

      <select  id="requestorSite" ng-model="selectedUserProfile" ng-options="userProfile as for userProfile in userProfiles">





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