Sails.js + passport.js req.user undefined

I am using sails.js as backend / API and angular js as front end.

Server and client are in a different domain.

When I authenticate my user with a passport, I establish a sails session with a custom object.

Then when I am authenticated and I start a new request from my front to list the products, my server (sails.js) req.user is undefined and there is no user in my session that I created.

How can I solve this problem? I would like to set up the current user as a session on my server to avoid getting it every time with an ID. I will have better performance.

Any ideas?



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2 answers

Ok I found the answer.

You need to add this line to angularjs app.js

$ httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;




When you login / sign in return user data as API instead of using seasons.



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