Submit only changes to transactions from one thread to the workspace under the other parent using the change palette

I am trying to send only changes in a specific transaction from one thread to the workspace under another parent via the change palette. Is there a way to do this? Right now, when I do a merge in the change palette, it pulls in all the changes up to this transaction and draws the merge arrow, I don't want that.

Let's say in the original stream, the content of file x looks like this:
abc (line added to txn: 5)
def (line added to txn: 7)

In the destination workspace, the contents of the file x:

I just want a port (txn 7) to make the content of the target file x as follows:

But that doesn't happen. The change palette makes all changes until txn 7.

Let's say I decided to review my merge and select only txn 7 related changes and push it to my destination. If later, for some reason, I decide that I need to put txn 5 as well, that doesn't show up in the changes palette because I already ignored those changes during my previous merge. I don't want this to happen.


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1 answer

Right Click on Stream -> Show History -> Select the desired transaction -> Right Click -> Submit -> Change Palette -> Select Target Stream



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