Dplyr: cross-tab with pipes

There are two questions about dplyr, which in my case are related to the problem I am trying to solve:

  • How can I cross-classify usage data_frame

    with pipes when trying to pipe the resulting series of operations to xtabs

  • The pipe argument is usually denoted .

    in dplyr

    and magrittr

    , but it is also the token used to denote everything else in the formula interface. I know there is some open issue in dplyr

    (can't find it right now) that talks about replacing .

    with _


Here's an example:

  n = 100,
  cat1 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  cat2 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  cat3 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  bin1 = r_sample_logical()
) %>%
  dplyr::filter(bin1) %>%
  xtabs(. ~ cat1 + cat2 + cat3, data = .)


which fails with output:

Error in model.frame.default(formula = . ~ cat1 + cat2 + cat3, data = .) : 
  invalid type (list) for variable '.' 


because it magrittr

replaces the first one .

with the result of data_frame

previous calculations. One way is to completely omit the first period, for example:

  n = 100,
  cat1 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  cat2 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  cat3 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  bin1 = r_sample_logical()
) %>%
  dplyr::filter(bin1) %>%
  xtabs( ~ cat1 + cat2 + cat3, data = .)


But what if .

you had to cross to the other side formula



As @MrFlick pointed out, xtabs

doesn't accept RHS anyway .

. I thought this problem could also be illustrated using the RHS conflict .

I was expecting with code:

  n = 100,
  cat1 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  cat2 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  cat3 = r_sample_factor(x = LETTERS[1:3]),
  bin1 = r_sample_logical()
) %>%
  dplyr::filter(bin1) %>%
  dplyr::select(-bin1) %>%
  xtabs( ~ ., data = .)


but this works exactly as expected. Can someone explain why magrittr

not trying to replace the first .

with data_frame



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1 answer


does not replace periods (".") in formulas. This behavior is briefly described in vignette (search for "formula").



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