Node -config cannot parse configuration SyntaxError: Unexpected token

I am trying to use node-config in my Node.js project.

Unfortunately I keep getting the error when node-config tries to parse my JSON.

Here JSON is throwing an error (actual data is replaced with placeholder data)

    "Winston": {
        "Mail": {
            "to": "",
            "from": "",
            "host": "localhost"


Here's the error I'm getting:

Error: Unable to parse config file: '../config/default.json' SyntaxError: Unexpected token 

I can't see where the syntax is wrong, but any help is appreciated.


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1 answer

Marc B who did the trick.

I actually recreated the file in another editor and that fixed all the problems.

The original .json file I posted was generated using the .json template in VS2013 with Node Tools for Visual Studio . Once I restored the file using and restarted my node app everything worked fine.

Thanks again for your help by Marc Bed and .



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