Using url_for between two applications

I liked the many conventions of Overholt's example but ran into a specific problem.

I have two applications configured with the DispatcherMiddleware object from werkzeug.wsgi:

from werkzeug.wsgi import DispatcherMiddleware
from myapp import api, frontend

application = DispatcherMiddleware(frontend.create_app(), {
    '/api': api.create_app()


This works great; the end points are all there. The check

shows the mappings for the frontend, and it application.mounts['/api'].url_map

correctly renders the mappings for the api.

The problem I am running into is using url_for()

frontend in my templates for methods in api, but haven't found a way to make this work. Hardcoding the URL path works, but will cause problems later if I want to move things around.


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1 answer

What you can do is add a new route to your server, say /api/route-map

that spits out a map (dictionary / JSON) of routes (you can use url_for

to create a map) and push that route from your interface to get a dynamic route map that you can use through your front-end templates with your jinja2 custom function (which you can create as shown below).

def api_url_for(route_fn_string):
    This is just boilerplate code. Please do some checking here.
    return route_map[route_fn_string]



Now you can do {{api_url_for('update')}}

in your jinja2 template to get its actual route.

If you are putting both applications on the same server, you can simply share the route map as global or using a getter function.



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