Bash adding to file inside and outside of loop

What is the difference between these two commands?

while true; do date; sleep 1; done > /tmp/log



while true; do date >> /tmp/log; sleep 1; done 


Both attach to the same timeline file, but it looks like both do it differently.

I thought the first one would not add anything to the file, because all attachment to the file will happen after the end of the loop, and since the loop is infinite, nothing will ever be written to the file. It is also possible that the first is appended to the file when only one is used >



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3 answers

In version 1, the output is immediately appended to the file because the command date

flushes its output when it exits, which writes everything to the standard output file.

Version 1 is not appended to the file. It opens the file descriptor of the file when the loop starts and empties the file when it does. This handle remains open for the entire loop and is inherited by every command in the loop as standard output. Since it doesn't close or open before every command, the file is not truncated every time - they are simply written to the current position in the file.



For the first team

while true; do date; sleep 1; done


regarded as a "block". Anything that the block outputs is printed on stdout

. You are simply redirecting the output of that block to a file.

Imagine you had the following shell script:

while true; do date; sleep 1; done


And now you run > /tmp/log


You also expect the log file to be constantly written to.



This command:

while true; do date; sleep 1; done > /tmp/log


opens the file immediately (before the loop ever starts) (and truncates any existing content in the file), and commands that are executed inside the loop inherit the open file descriptor (fd), and any output is written to that fd as output will be executed.

This command:

while true; do date >> /tmp/log; sleep 1; done


opens the file once each time through the loop (just before running the command date

). The operator >>

opens the file in append mode, so the existing contents of the file are not truncated.



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