Accessing engine routes from Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

I would like to know how to access engine routes using Rails.application.routes.url_helpers


I have a factory object that creates a string containing a dynamically generated url. Currently I can generate urls using Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.(INSERT PATH NAME)


However, it can only access routes in the main application. I cannot access the engine routes set in the main application.

Things i have tried

  • I tried to use Rails.application.routes.engine_name

    where engine_name

    is the name under which the engine is mounted in the main application.

  • I tried to use MyEngine::Engine.routes.url_helpers

    to access routes in Engine. It works, but I would like to use Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

    because there are many factory objects like this and they all inherit from the superclass that breaks url_helper

    into Rails.application.routes


Any suggestions? Let me know if any clarification is needed.


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1 answer

You need to use the proxy engine method. In your example, call the URL helper using the following syntax as an example:



To rename the proxy method helper, simply edit the routes config file inside your rails app:

mount MyEngine::Engine => '/app', :as => 'my_engine'


so you can now call the previous example:





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