How do I keep track of values ​​in Prolog?

I am new to Prolog and am having difficulty with OOP. I need to recursively run through some characters, but remember what I went through. In OOP, I just create an array or arraylist to keep track of everything I have used. However, I cannot find a similar way to do this in Prolog. How can I check what I have already used?

The exact problem is that I want to start a character set and stop if I come across the same thing twice essentially. My thought was to add each of them to the list and check if the next one is a member of the list.

Any help is appreciated



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5 answers

Following is the answer by @Boris; you can also saveusing target maplist(dif(X),Seen)

instead \+ memberchk(X,Seen)


foo ([], _). % 1
foo ([X | Xs], Seen): -% 2
    maplist (dif (X), Seen) ,% 3
    foo (Xs, [X | Seen]). % 4


Most basic implementation:

foo([], _).                  % 1
foo([X|Xs], Seen) :-         % 2
    \+ memberchk(X, Seen),   % 3
    foo(Xs, [X|Seen]).       % 4


  • The predicate succeeds when the list is empty (1).
  • If the list is not empty (2):
    • check if the first element of the list has already been viewed (3)
    • if not ( \+ X

      means "succeed when X failed"), add the item to the list of visible items and check the rest of the list (4).

But that's not what you should write on, I think? Since it is not clear what your ultimate goal is, it is difficult to come up with a better solution.

Some hints:



You may find this useful: List Iteration Prolog Basically, Prolog does not have iteration, but it does have recursion. You will need to go through the list to do what you are trying to do.



I think the question is how to find the suffix of the list that starts with the first repeated item. If I am correct, the implementation can be done in the following lines: find the duplicate element and use a predicate for that that returns the required suffix or fail, and if there are no duplicates, the suffix is ​​empty. An implementation assuming the first argument is a properly closed list with no free variables could be

stop([X|R],Rr) :-
  stop_at(R,X,Rr), !.
stop([_|R],Rr) :-

stop_at([X|R],X,[X|R]) :- !.
stop_at([_|R],X,Rr) :-


Examples of run:

?- stop([a,b,c],R).
R = [] ? ;
?- stop([a,b,c,d,a,e,a,e],R).
R = [a,e,a,e] ? ;
?- stop([b,c,d,c,e],R).
R = [c,e] ? ;




Adding each found character to a list and then using that list to check if you got a character twice will be linear in the size of the list of found characters. This may or may not be an acceptable wrt presentation. How many different characters do you have? Only ASCII printable characters? Full Unicode? Since only some Prolog systems provide arrays, your best bet for better performance than lists would be a binary search tree, which will give you O (log (n)) on average. But you can do better. As you tagged your questionswi-prolog

, you can use this system to read-black tree library (inherited from YAP). This should give you O (log (n)) worst case too. Using this library (as an alternative to using lists as in other answers), you can write something line by line:

:- use_module(library(rbtrees)).

foo(List) :-
    foo(List, Seen).

foo([], _).
foo([Head| Tail], Seen) :-
    (   rb_lookup(Head, _, Seen) ->
    ;   rb_insert(Seen, Head, _, Seen2),
        foo(Tail, Seen2) 


Is this a decent (performance-wise) alternative to using a list? You are not giving enough detail to answer this. It is best to do some tests. Also worth noting is that the insert in the list of O (1) (when you Head

+ List

[Head| List]

), but insert in the red-black tree - O (log (n)) .



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