R.java file is not generated in library project

I am trying to use SlidingMenu library . As described, I created a new Android project using the library directory , tried "Project> Clean" to generate R.java but it doesn't work.

The curious fact is that if I open the project properties and uncheck the Library checkbox, everything works and the R.java file is generated without errors. In addition to errors with a missing R.java file, the Problems tab presents the following:

Uncorrectable capture error (s)! Check your output console.

If I delete as suggested in multiple answers, it appears again when I clean the project.

I appreciate any suggestion.


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4 answers


I don't know exactly what the reason is, but the solution was to uninstall Eclipse, Android SDK and use the ADT Bundle from this link: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

Before I was using the standard Eclipse environment with the ADT plugin.

Thanks for answers.



There are many things to get R.java back

  • clean project
  • Build project from project
  • change api ex 2.2 to 4.0 and 4.0 to another version, it will (re) create a R.java file.

finally you won't be able to get the R.java file yet, then copy the R.java file from another project, paste it into the gen folder, and then just create the project.



Failed to check and recheck, but " - library " helped me.

Under Settings> Android (for this lib project)



eclipse -> project -> build automatically -> check it

If it's already checked, uncheck the box and check it again.



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