Android snippet check sends post completion (android show dialog on successful mail sending)

I have a snippet. when the button is clicked, it sends the mail, but I dont know when the mail sends success, after I demonstrate the success of the dialog. my code is sending:

 //Intent action send
        Intent email = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
                       new String[]{to});

        //need this to prompts email client only
                                                         "Send mail..."));


I need to show a dialog when sending mail successfully. Please help me. thank


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1 answer

There seems to be no good solution for this.

The "normal" way is to use startActivityForResult()

your intent when dispatching, but Intent.ACTION_SEND gives no output ( documentation ), so that won't work either. See this question .

The only way to do it for sure is to make your own activity to send email and return the result.



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