Uploading image with form to meteor on form submit
I am trying to create a simple web application that will ask the user to fill in a few questions and then upload a photo. I would like all this information to be stored in the Meteor collection when the submit button is clicked, but I am having difficulty with the FS Collection package.
Here is the relevant main.html:
<form class="photoForm">
Problem: <input type = "text" id = "problem" placeholder="page # problem #"><br><br>
Your group members <input type = "text" id="group" size="50"> <br><br>
Your questions and comments about this problem: <br><br>
<textarea name="comments" form="photo" rows="4" cols="70" placeholder="Enter text here..."></textarea>
Upload a snapshot of your work here: <input type = "file" id = "myFileInput">
<br /><br />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
Here's main.js:
'click input[type=submit]': function(event, template) {
console.log("form submit")
FS.Utility.eachFile(event, function(file) {
Images.insert(file, function (err, fileObj){
//Inserted new doc with ID fileObj._id, and kicked off the data upload using HTTP
Here are my questions:
I can only get the file to load on the "change.myFileInput" event. I tried to get it to upload "click input [type = submit]" and "submit" and it doesn't upload the file. Is there a way to force it to download the file when the submit button is clicked?
How do I add data from various text fields to a collection of images? Can I include these additions in the Images.insert () command?
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Check out auto form package
And cfs auto-configuration package Cfs auto-format
These packages are very useful
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