POST max length or JS object max length?

I am stuck with an annoying problem. I have an application on Google App Engine that sends some data (formatted as a JSON string) from JS via POST to a php page. But when I select more than a certain amount of data, it just doesn't return anything. I have already tried increasing post_max_size to 20M but no better. So where could the limitation be here? Is there any other way to get data from JS to PHP? I tried like this:

function openWindowWithPost(url, name, keys, values) {
var newWindow =, name);

if (!newWindow)
    return false;

var html = "";
html += "<html><head></head><body><form id='formid' method='post' action='"
        + url + "'>";

if (keys && values && (keys.length == values.length))
    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
        html += "<input type='hidden' name='" + keys[i] + "' value='"
                + values[i] + "'/>";

html += "</form><script type='text/javascript'>document.getElementById(\"formid\").submit()</sc"
        + "ript></body></html>";

return newWindow;



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3 answers

You can check the server config file php.ini

and check the maximum message size max_post_size

. If the default message line is not long enough, you can increase its length.



If you are publishing these large files, you might want to check the setup as well upload_max_filesize


Another possibility: is your large JSON file really? You can try it here:



You are probably hitting the 32MB per request limit . To get around this, you need to Upload to GCS .



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