Storing the & & icon in cookies

I am trying to store the value

in Cookies["AFRSSTATION"]

. The value is saved successfully and I can see it using the browser. The problem is in accessing values. When I try to get the value returningUser["AFRSUSERNAME"]

I got

and the value returningUser["AFRSPASSWORD"]

is %

. It looks like an internal function that splits the value based on the sign &

. My question is how can I save and sign the Cookie. Given below code

HttpCookie returningUser = null;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["AFRSSTATION"] != null)
                returningUser = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["AFRSSTATION"];
                if (returningUser["AFRSUSERNAME"] != null &&
                    returningUser["AFRSUSERNAME"] != "" &&
                    returningUser["AFRSPASSWORD"] != null &&
                    returningUser["AFRSPASSWORD"] != "")
                    UserName = returningUser["AFRSUSERNAME"];
                    Password = returningUser["AFRSPASSWORD"];



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1 answer

Not all characters are allowed in cookies , you can use Server.UrlEncode and UrlDecode for this: -

HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("AFRSSTATION");
cookie.Values.Add("AFRSUSERNAME", Server.UrlEncode(""));
cookie.Values.Add("AFRSPASSWORD", Server.UrlEncode("%&v~lyHYNrTCcQq6"));

//Retrieve Cookie values
UserName = Server.UrlDecode(returningUser["AFRSUSERNAME"]);
Password = Server.UrlDecode(returningUser["AFRSPASSWORD"]);




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