The app won't launch on the device

I am trying to play with NativeScript to build any simple Android app. I did step 1 from the NativeScript Getting Started (setting up my osx environment) and right now I have a barebones NativeScript application built with tns create

and from the Android platform.

tns run android

Everything goes well at startup , and the final message before the device debug logs is (I'm not android / ios / mobile dev, so I'm guessing it's just some kind of debug log of what's going on on the connected device):

Total time: 11 seconds 
Project successfully built 
Using /Volumes/HDD/Users/michal/Workspace/Sandbox/tns_hello_world/platforms/android/bin/tns_hello_worl    d-debug.apk 
Successfully deployed on device with identifier '00099fbd72369f' 


However, after doing this, nothing happens on my device. The application does not start, there is no error message. Just absolutely nothing.

My setup:

  • OSX 10.9.5
  • Java 1.8.0_45
  • Samsung GT-I9100
  • Android 4.1.2

Do you have any idea what I might be doing wrong? Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

Your Android device is not supported by NativeScript. Use a device with Android 4.2 (API Level 17) or newer. You can also try it on an emulator.



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